Title of the article Criminological Significance of Biometrics Technology in the Context of Combating Cross-Border Crimes
PhD in Law, Associate Professor of the National Academy of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine
Journal Scientific theoretical and practical journal
“Journal of the National Prosecution Academy of Ukraine”
Issue 4/1’2018
Pages [59–64]
Abstract Border security system eơ ectiveness is largely influenced by creation of the conditions under which the use of documents for committing cross-border crimes is impossible or provides for termination thereof. Implementation of biometric technologies in the sphere of documents production allows not only to increase the level of their protection, but also provides the tools necessary for identification of such a set of personal data, which eliminates any possible errors. In turn, this greatly enhances the opportunities for both crime prevention and termination of certain criminal acts. f its implementation are increasingly reflected in the relevant legal acts.
Keywords cross-border crime; criminology; biometric identification; biometric identity documents; International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO); e-passport; ID-card; border control.
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